What would happen if we don't drink water ?

What would happen if we don't drink water?  

It is possible to see that water is everywhere. From soil moisture, ice caps to the cells of our body. 

Depending on a person's age, sex, fat content and location, the average person's body will contain 55%-60% of water. 

At birth human babies have 75% of water as they are swimmingly similar to fish. But their water composition drops to 65% by their first birthday. 

The water in our body helps to cushion and lubricate the bones, regulate temperature and nourish the brain and spinal cord. 

Water isn't only in our blood but also in the brain and heart almost of 3 quarters of water that roughly equals to a amount of  moisture in a banana. 

Lungs are like an apple at 83% of water and even seemingly dry human bones have 31% of water. 

We are essentially made of water and surrounded by water but still why do we drink water?  

Well, each day we lose 2-3 liters of water by urine, sweat and down movements and even just by breathing. These functions are essential for our survival. So we need to compensate for the fluid loss. 

Maintaining a balance of water level is essential to avoid dehydration or over hydration. 

At first detection of low level of water, sensory receptors in the brain hypothalamus sent a signal to kidney to create a special channel that enables blood to absorb and retain water and leading to dark concentrated urine.

Decrease hydration cause low level of energy, mood and skin moisture and blood pressure as well as science of cognitive impairment. Dehydrated brain had to works harder to accomplish the same amount of work done by ordinary brain and temporarily shrinks because lack of water. 

Over hydration usually caused by over consumption of water in short amount of time. Athletes are often Victims of over hydration. The over hydrated brain slows or stops the releasing signals into the blood.

Sodium electrolytes in the body gets diluted and causes the cells to swell. In severe cases, the kidney doesn't keepup the level of water and resulting in water intoxication leads to headache, vomiting and also leads to seizure in some cases. 

On a normal day maintaining a well hydrated system is easy to manage for those who has clean drinking water.

For a long time it is said that we should drink eight glasses of water a day. 
Consumption of water is largely depend on our weight and age. 

Water content in our food is about 1/5 of water. Fruits and vegetables contain about 90%. 

Studies have showed that optimal hydration have less chances of stroke, level of diabetes and certain type of cancer.

Now you know the consequences of not drinking water. So I ask anyone who does not drink water like me to drink water. Take this as a request ! 

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