Why WIKIPEDIA is asking donation ? What happened to WIKIPEDIA ?

Why WIKIPEDIA is asking donations? What happened to WIKIPEDIA? 

Why WIKIPEDIA is asking donation ? What happened to WIKIPEDIA ?

For the last few days, if you have a visit WIKIPEDIA page, you will know that a notification has been received asking for a donation? Why the famous company is asking for donations?  What's is the reason behind this? 

Now, what is Wikipedia?

Wikipedia is an ONLINE ENCYCLOPEDIA. An online page that aids us to know any knowledge we need without paying any money. As you know there is no such thing as missing information on Wikipedia. Everyone who reads this post will also have seen Wikipedia at least once. 

Wikipedia was launched on January 15, 2001, by JIMMY WALES and LARRY SANGER. These two started two companies together. One is NUPEDIA and the other one is WIKIPEDIA

NUPEDIA is also an online page. The most precise information can only be posted by those who have studied higher courses. After two years it was not exactly what they thought it would be. Very few posts were published in it. But more people welcomed WIKIPEDIA because anyone can post on Wikipedia and more posts were published. 

At now Wikipedia comprises more than 54 million articles. 

The MAIN GOAL of Wikipedia is to deliver information to everyone around the world. We can even write a post on Wikipedia. They will review it if it good they'll post it on Wikipedia. 

This great website is being used by everyone in the world but we don't know how this works? How they make money

All the websites in the world earn money through publishing advertisements on their sites. You have seen by yourself that there will be ads on every website like Facebook, Instagram, etc. 

If you've visited a website, there will definitely be ads. But have you ever seen any ads on Wikipedia? NO! If you didn't believe this, visit Wikipedia now. 

Usually, companies that run on through the internet make money from advertising. 

So how Wikipedia make money? 

Since the inception of wikipedia, they have been committed to run the company with the help of donations from wiki readers, without any advertising.
It doesn't mean that they didn't have enough money but they want to save money for future expenses while running successfully.

So I urge everyone who reads this to do what we can to help. 
This is because some pages can only be viewed by submitting our email. Many of us have experienced this right! We have come to that point. It is not far off that you can see the information on the page only if you pay the price for that. So help Wikipedia which gives us the information we need for free. 

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