Deja Vu : Reasons for Deja Vu

     Reasons for DEJA VU 

Hello everyone ! Today we are just going to look at something new. 

Have you ever wondered why this sounds like we've seen before? 
Why do we feel this way? 
What could be the cause? 

Have you ever had a question like this?  
If you have this questions, please read the answer here and share it with those who don't know. 

Table of contents :
   1. What is DEJA VU? 
   2. What is the meaning of DEJA VU? 
   3. Three reasons for DEJA VU : 
             • same setup
             • late signals to the Brain
             • problem in the neural system 

What is DEJA VU ?

DEJA VU is like seeing an event in life but it is impossible to say exactly when or where.

You may have read this post Now in a mobile or in a desktop but you'll feel like you've already read this in a mobile or in a desktop. This is what we say Deja Vu. 

Now what is word Deja Vu means? 
DEJA VU is a word which literally means "already seen".

Scientists give three reasons for why we realize Deja Vu. Let's see it now !

Reason 1 : 

Scientist says that you'll realize Deja Vu when see the same setup at different places.

Example : 

Now I'm looking at a toy and that doll is wearing a red colour dress. Now, after sometime if I look at a different doll with the same colour dress, it causes the sensation of "Have we seen this before" ? 
You got it right ! This is one of the reason.

Reason 2 : 

Now you have to know that how we identify anything by seeing through eyes ? Like (?) this symbol is question mark symbol or (.) this is dot. How do we recognize it ?  

Signals are sent to our brain from the left and right eyes. The Brain process those signals sent by eyes, functions and detects the image of what we see and sent it back to the eyes. So that we can identify anything. 

Bt scientist says that DEJA VU occurs when the left eye sent signals rapidly to the brain than the right eye or the right eye sent signals to the brain than the left eye. So what exactly happened? 

When left eye sent this signals to brain before right eye and the brain gets processed, functions and detects the image but the right eye sent signals to the brain after the left eye. The brain already detects the image but the right eye signals meet the Brain, so for a second the brain tend to think that "Have we seen this before" ? 

Only 60% of the world population can experienced Deja Vu. You can only understand this if you're one of them. 

Reason 3 : 

Deja Vu also occurs when sudden changes in neural system. 
We know that, after the signals are sent from eyes the brain detects and we can see. 

But scientists claim we can realize Deja Vu when our brain detects what we see before sending a signal from the eyes. So there is confusion going on in the Neural system and we experience Deja Vu. 

Thus, scientists say it could be like one of these. We don't know what is true. 

I don't know whether these reasons are true or not, but knowing these information looks interesting so I shared these with you guys !

 Enjoy reading. Don't forget to check the other amazing facts, logics,history and these kind of interesting information in our page. 

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