5 Doors that Never be Opened or Shouldn't be Opened

5 Doors that Never be Opened or Shouldn't be opened 

Today we are going to look at some of the unopened doors or non-open doors in the world. Why not open these doors? 
Let's take a look at each of these doors. 

Table of contents : 
         1. Doors in the Taj Mahal 
         2. Doors in the Padmanabhaswamy Koil 
         3. Doors of Small Pox Chamber 
         4. Doors of Room No. 873 in Banff springs Hotel 
         5. Doors of Sphinx of Giza in Egypt 

Two of these five unopened doors are in India. Let us first look at the closed doors in India. 

1. Doors of Taj Mahal : 

Taj Mahal is known for love built by Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan for his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal. 

You have seen the Taj Mahal is built on top of the basement. That being said, there are a lot of doors in that basement. To this day the door remains unopened. 

What will be behind the door ? 

Archaeologist said that the doors are locked to maintain the Taj Mahal. So they didn't allow anyone to open this door.

There are a lot of fabrications about this door : 

1. Below, there is a large SHIVA TEMPLE and the Taj Mahal is built above the temple.

2. Another theory is Mumtaz body is preserved in the basement. This is a wrong act according to the Islamic tradition. So Islamic people has rejected this as wrong. 

2. Doors in the Padmanabhaswamy Koil : 

Padmanabhaswamy Koil  is the oldest temple built hundreds of years ago. This temple has six closed doors. No one has opened the doors for many years. But one person got permision from the government and opened the door. Out of 6 six doors in this temple, five of the doors were opened.
Inside the opened doors there was the pricesless gold, diamond and vitriol. The value of the things found there is estimated as one trillion US dollars. 

The sixth door is the unopened door. The name of the door is said to be "Naga Bandham". The surface of the door has two snake shape figures. If you want to open the sixth door, you have to say a mantra called Karuda Mantra. I don't know if this is true or not. It is believed that chanting the Karuda Mantra in front of the door, the door will open because of the vibrations caused by  the song when chanting. But the problem is no one who knew the magic Karuda Mantra is alive Now. So this door left unopened. 

3. Doors of Small Pox Chamber : 

Everyone in the world knows what's inside this door but they kept it lock. Why ?

This chamber contains Small Pox (disease) causing virus. The United States of America and Russia have locked this in the chamber so called Small Pox Chamber.

Although no one this world has the disease they kept it stored. 
Why they protect this? 
If the bio War breaks out with any other countries, they use these viruses to attack the opposite country. 

4. Doors of Room No. 873 in Banff Springs Hotel in Canada : 

Banff Springs Hotel has been around 150 years old. Everyone from Marilyn Monroe to British Royality is accustomed to staying at this hotel. From this we could understand that this the largest royal hotel. But this hotel does not open the door of room number 873. Why? Why they don't open this particular room? 

Once upon a time a couple (husband and wife) and their child have been staying at this hotel at room no.873. In that night the man (husband) behaved like a mad man and killed his own wife and child and then he committed suicide. The hotel management don't know the reason but they file a complaint and then the body is disposed and cleared from the hotel.
A few days later, the residents complained that a baby and mother were haunted at  night. Despite the hotel management dismissing it as a hoax, it is said that the people who worked there began to see blood stains on the walls of the room no.873 after many months of exhaustion.
These stories affect the business of the hotel so they planned to completely lock the room no. 873. 

5. Doors of Sphinx of Giza :

We all know what is sphinx. Great Sphinx of Giza is a limestone statue, a mythical creature with the body of the lion and the head of a human.

Putting radiation on the right leg of the Sphinx reveals that there is a large hall inside it.

What would be there if such a place were within it ? 

There is a lot to be said for that. 
It is said that there may be evidence of how the pyramid was built in ancient times. 
Some go one step further and Claim that inside the Sphinx  there is evidence for an alien lived in the world. We don't know what is true but the radiation shows that there are substances in it. 
The Egyptian government didn't allow anyone to open the door. So the door remains closed and unopened. 

Damn! Even so, owning one is still beyond the reach of the average person. But it is true that there are doors that doesn't opened yet. 

Tell us in the comments which door you want to open and see!

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