Padmanabhaswamy Temple in Thiruvanathapuram ! Secret doors in Padmanabhaswamy Temple ! History of Padmanabhaswamy Temple !

Padmanabhaswamy Temple in Thiruvanathapuram ! Secret doors in Padmanabhaswamy Temple ! History of Padmanabhaswamy Temple ! 

Today we are going to read about the Padmanabhaswamy Temple in thiruvanathapuram. We will see the secrets, history, mysteries and stories behind the secret doors of the Padmanabhaswamy Temple. 

Table of contents : 
1. History of Padmanabhaswamy Temple.
2. Opening of first mystery door.
3. Total worth of commodities 
4. Unopened Naga Bandha door 
5. Mysteries of Naga Bandha door 

Padmanabhaswamy Temple is the richest temple in the world and the most mysterious temple in the world. 

What is the reason for saying Padmanabhaswamy Temple as a mystery? What is the total wealth of Padmanabhaswamy Temple?  

These kind of questions arises in you right. Then here's the answer!  

Let us first look at the history of Padmanabhaswamy Temple.
Padmanabhaswamy Temple was built in the sixteenth century. But there was also a temple before the construction of the Padmanabhaswamy Temple, which means it was in an pre-historic time. This former temple was rebuilt in the sixteenth century known as "Padmanabhaswamy Temple".

The former temple is a very ancient temple. If how old is that it is written in the Mahabharata that Balarama donated ten thousand cows to this temple, the Sangam Tamzhians called the Chera, the Chola and the Pandyas donated invaluable jewels and it is also written in the Sanskrit. Thus the temple is mentioned in all ages. 

The Padmanabhaswamy Temple has been managed by a royal family. It was customary for any king of that ancient time to visit Padmanabhaswamy Temple whenever they came to Thiruvanathapuram. 

What is the mystrey about this temple ? 

There are six secret doors are inside this temple. These doors are one of the unopened doors in the world. In 2010, there is a problem between the royal family and the temple administration about opening these secret doors. So they apply in the Supreme Court for permision to open there six mystery doors. 

These six mystery doors in the Padmanabhaswamy Temple are in the sanctum Santorum where Padmanabhaswamy is. Temple administration members often open the three doors for temple use out of these six doors. But the other three doors are never opened for the last five hundred years. 

They got permission from the Supreme Court. Surprisingly, two more secret doors were also discoverd. 

Examination of the three doors, which are already in use, revealed the presence of copper plates, gold plates and a three foot statue of Padmanabhaswamy made of gold was found inside the chamber. Gold coins of different countries have been found in kilograms. There have been gold coins of kings embracing as the Cheras, the cholas, the pandyas, the pallavas and the askohkas. 

Most surprisingly, Neopoleon Bonabarte, Alexander's gold plated coins were also found inside. Thus were found the gold coins of the kings who were proud to embrace in the world. 

All of this coins, statues and plates was discovered from opening a one secret door. It is said that it took a total of twelve days to get the items out of the room at one secret door. 

The Padmanabhaswamy Temple is referred to as the GOLDEN TEMPLE in Sangatamizh. It doesn't mean the Padmanabhaswamy Temple is made of gold but it means there is gold inside the temple. 

The price of a single gold is 1.2 crores at today's Indian price including the antique value. It is noteworthy that the value of total commodities thus opened is calculated as half of the total economy of India. 

It's amazing and shocking to hear this! 

Now, a total of eight doors i.e six pre-existing secret doors then extra two secret doors were found. Total eight doors. Out of these secret doors, three doors were opened. 

The temple administration decided not to open the the other five secret doors. But some archaeologist are asking for special permission from the government to open one particular door. This is because according to the document found in the Padmanabhaswamy Temple, the other secret doors were opened at different ancient times, but there is no evidence that this particular door was opened.  

The Supreme Court gave permission to open this door. The other opened secret doors were made up of wood so they have broken it and gone inside. 

When they broken the wooden door of this particular door, there seen a another door which was made of iron and has two snake shape structures in top of the door. Surprisingly, there is no hole for the key to put to open this mystery door. 

In the document from the Padmanabhaswamy Temple it is written that the name of this particular door is "Naga Bandham". It is also written that there no key was made to open this door. A lot of research was started on how to open this secret door and they also started to refer Siddhas and sages. 

The Siddhas say that this door can only be opened by chanting a particular line or a paragraph in the Garuda Purana. 
But the question arises as to who sings this Garuda Purana. They bring people who know Garuda Purana and make them sing in front of the secret door but the door doesn't open. 

The person who appeal to the Supreme Court to open this door was dead on the same day when the Garuda Purana was sang in front of the door. 

The temple administration then appeals to the court not to open the door when omen like this happens. The Supreme Court also issued an order not to open this door. 

If you ask me, this would be the most mysterious door in the world. 

Can the door be opened by singing? 
According to science, any object can be moved by vibrations. It is my opinion that the door can be open by the vibrations if they chant Garuda Purana properly. 

At now the Padmanabhaswamy Temple has Z category security to protect the commodities inside the temple. That is to say, the security of the temple is as high as that of the Chief Minister and Prime Minister. 

Let us know in the comments what you think about this secret doors and also share your ideas to open this door! That would be fun.  

If you want to know more interesting mysteries like this don't forget to checkout my other posts as well 

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