Effective Lemon juice !


How To prepare effective Lemon juice?

Lemons are one of the only foods that are compatible with the digestive fluids in your body. This means regular intake of lemon or lemon juice can greatly enhance the amount of nutrients and amino acids that our body can take in. 

Lemon juice is generally considered good for health when consumed in the morning.

Benefits of lemon water :
  1.  Stimulates digestion 
  2. Vitamin C helps in reducing stress
  3. Helps to get clear skin
  4. Helps in decreasing inflammation 
  5. Helps to maintain ph in our body
  6. Lowers anxiety 
  7. Improves mood and calmness 
  8. Boosts metabolism 
  9. Acts as a natural diuretic 
  10. Promote weight loss
Lemon juice and honey is a good booster for your liver and kidney. While your liver is the organ for metabolisation, your kidney is responsible for removing toxins. 
                                          - Dr. Sood 

Squeezing a bit of Lemon juice over legumes and vegetables in salads, boost the absorption of iron by the body
                                      - Dr. Rupali

Effective Lemon Juice 
 It's very simple from usual lemon juice. We 
just add small changes in it and you'll see the effect just on the same day when you'll drink this water. Try this and I'm waiting for your comments.

Now, let's see how to prepare this juice :

1.Take the lemon and squeeze it. 

2. Now you don't have to throw the squeezed lemon. Just Chop it into small pieces.
3. Take 250ml of water add these chopped lemon piece in it. 

4. Add 1 teaspoon of cumin powder 

5.Boil it for 3 minutes to 5 minutes. 

6. When it cools down add the squeezed lemon juice to it and your drink is ready.

So it' very simple. Just do it every single day in the morning and you'll see the results. Stay healthy ! 

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